Blog Layout


Sandra Nykerk • August 16, 2009


And what a Red Letter Day this is . . . my first real post on my beautiful new blog. I have been wanting a way to share my experiences, thoughts, and images on a more regular basis and now I am going to try to enter the blogosphere. I don’t think I’m going to ever make a regular appearance on Facebook and certainly, no Tweets for me! But hopefully, this will do the trick. For those of you who have been wondering what has happened with the rest of my website — hang on just a little longer, we’re nearly there. The Abstractions Gallery is up and working and the other galleries should be in place by the end of next week. The rest of the site is pretty much completed. I’m so pleased with the new look, as well as the functionality, and I will be able to change out pictures as desired — especially in the Recent Work gallery. Please let me know if you see any errors, broken links, or other blips. And what you think of the new design.

Have been in and out of YNP this week trying to catch the end of the flowers before frost. The weather has not been particularly cooperative (always always a howling wind!) and there was a pretty good frost last night so I think the flowers are mostly over. There were still some hangers-on up on Dunraven but most of the meadows across the park have that end-of-the-summer faded glory look. Interestingly, it was such a long cool spring, which delayed many blooms by weeks, that I think much of the fireweed will be frosted out before it can open. The weather conditions made for an interesting overlap in the summer flora — there are bluebells open right next to late summer senecio at the Dunraven picnic area. It’s really difficult to look out across the YNP landscape and realize how soon it will be autumn — it’s already looking very fall-like. But it seems like only last week (okay, maybe two) that I was out searching for pasque flowers under the snow and marveling at the intense pink of the first shooting stars. The summers always fly by but this one has been particularly intense. So I was up on Washburn yesterday, precariously perched in one of the little drainages that cross the road, and managed to capture a few images of the last of the red monkeyflowers before the wind chased me back to my car. And it was only 43 degrees!

More soon...isn't it fun to be able to say that?


Purple Iris
By Sandra Nykerk April 25, 2016
The Top Ten Signs It Is Spring in Yellowstone #10   My dwarf iris are blooming in Gardiner. And the Gardiner hills are flushed with green. Green, what a lovely color! #9    The rivers are up. In the past 3 days,they’ve gone from a crystal clear trickleto the consistency of chocolate milk. #8    […]
Yellowstone Entrance
By Sandra Nykerk January 12, 2015
This. Twenty years ago this morning the wolf was returned to Yellowstone National Park. I was in the right place at the right time, and thanks to an early morning phone call from Tom McNamee alerting me to a change in schedule, I was standing there when the convoy carrying the wolves (still in their […]
Wild Rose
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